As the industry continues to go digital, fraudsters are finding new and clever ways to gain access to information. This includes email phishing attacks, where fraudsters impersonate vendors to gain access to confidential shipper and carrier information.

The best way to avoid these scams is to be confident in identifying and reporting them.

To help our network verify that emails from CargoBid are valid, we've compiled the following list of trusted email domains.

Read on to find out more about email communication from CargoBid. As always, if you have any questions, please contact your CargoBid representative for more information.

Verified CargoBid email addresses

Email communications are an important part of how we receive and share information with shippers and carriers. It's important to be able to recognise our verified email domains.

CargoBid sends email communications through the following email domains


Please note that all emails from your CargoBid representative will come from email addresses.

You may also receive communications from the following trusted CargoBid suppliers


Emails that appear to be from CargoBid but come from different domains are likely to be spam or phishing attempts and should be reported.

Note on common phishing attacks

Two common phishing attacks are attempts to steal passwords and banking information.

Please note:

  • CargoBid will never update our bank details for payments via email. If you receive an email requesting a change to our banking information, it is fraudulent and should be reported as phishing.
  • CargoBid representatives and employees will never request your password via email for any of our digital freight platforms. This includes CargoBid and Goaffpro. If you receive an email requesting your password, it should be reported.

Report Phising

Best practices on how to identify and report a phishing attack

If you think you may have been the target of a phishing attack, or would like to learn more about how to identify or report phishing attempts, there are resources available.

We recommend that you contact your local cybersecurity and security agencies to learn more. Your organisation may also have employee resources or an IT protocol.

If you receive a phishing email that appears to be from CargoBid, please report it to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

If you have any questions about CargoBid email communication, please contact our team.

Experimente hoje a CargoBid e cria um leilão de fretes!
Tarifas de frete inteligentes com os leilões da CargoBid!

Sem compromisso de permanência
Acesso imediato a todos os leilões e serviços


Uma bolsa de fretes inovadora. Oferecemos pra você uma experiência diferente em leilões de frete frete marítimo, terrestre e aéreo

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